35mm Cinematography Workshop – Madrid
In this workshop, students approach cinematography from an analog perspective. They will learn the fundamentals of lighting and composition without viewing the image on a live monitor, forcing them to meticulously plan and calculate every detail and decision.
The workshop will highlight the contrast between the technical and the creative, with a special emphasis on lighting. It’s not a course for learning how to load film; rather, it’s about exploring the possibilities of a medium that is making a comeback. Among other exercises, students will be required to shoot a 1-minute sequence in studio.
Estructura del curso
Objectives and competencies
Learning outcomes
Evaluation methodology
Admission requirements
* All courses are free of charge. Each student may enroll in more than one Fast Forward course if the requirements established in the General Conditions are met.
Course dates may be subject to change. The course may be cancelled due to a lack of registrants.
*Read all the Condiciones Generales.*